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Since 2015, the Ecostar Awards have recognized outstanding environmental achievements and leadership on Vancouver Island. The awards are presented to Vancouver Island-based businesses, non-profits, academia, governments and individuals who have demonstrated exceptional environmental and social initiatives.







November 14, 2024  |  Inn at Laurel Point

Judging is underway for the 2024 Ecostar Awards! 


Stay tuned - finalists will be announced in early October! If you missed your chance to apply, sign up to get notified next year when applications open.

The gala will be hosted at the Inn at Laurel Point in Victoria on November 14, 2024. 


Green Your Business


Are you inspired to strengthen your network of green businesses and look for ways to become more resilient through environmental practices, operational cost saving and innovation? Green your business and become part of a passionate and innovative community by joining BC Green Business.


Synergy Foundation

The Ecostar Awards are hosted by the Synergy Foundation, a registered non-profit society working to share ideas, spark innovation, and activate change to steer our economy and communities towards a more regenerative future. We are a collaborative, do-er organization, focused on outcomes and mobilizing knowledge into action. 


Our core programs include BC Green Business, the Ecostar AwardsFED Urban Agriculture, and Project Zero



“We take big ideas and turn them into real stuff”

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